Experiencing the Dhamma by Bhikkhu Khippapanno is a compilation of lectures he gave at the Forest Refuge in Barre, Massachusetts in 2009 and in 2013. I helped edit the first edition and the most recent edition. It is a free Dhamma book but has been printed in a limited number of copies. It is now available as a pdf file. To obtain a copy, click on the Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Experiencing-the-Dhamma-by-Bhikkhu-Khippapanno/359102370937660 or email drampsych@gmail.com,
This blog chronicles the activities of a meditation group in Bancroft, Ontario and provides instruction in insight meditation. Meditation concepts are explained in terms of Western psychology and in terms of the Buddhist concepts from which this style of meditation derives. Dr. Alan McAllister, a psychologist practicing in Bancroft, is the author of the blog and the facilitator of the group which meets periodically for 8-10 sessions twice a year.
How to read the posts
The posts are arranged here with the most recent appearing at the top of the page. If you are new to the blog, you might find it useful to start with the first posts. Go to the blog archive on the lower right to access the posts in the order in which they were written.